Worky-Quad SSQ EcoQuad-S Mini Loader, is the new totally electrical machine, with 7 hours autonomy, It’s been designed in order to be green-friendly as much as possibile. The sand bucket is one of the most used attachment to move, to load inert, terrain, debris. It’s useful in building, in municipal work, in agriculture.
Technical specifications
Type of Engine Permanent magnets
Revolutions per minute 2500
Battery Type Traction battery
Voltage (V) 36
Battery capacity (Ah) 240
Start up Electric
Breakout force (Kg) 450
Traction force (Kg) 440
Hydraulic drive system (l/bar) 20/200
Hydraulic working system (l/bar) 20/200
Hydraulic tank capacity (l) 18
Standard tyres 4.00-8 Forklift
Braking system Hydraulic, with 4 hydraulic wheel motors
Steering Skid Steer
Driving system Hydraulic 4WD
Lifting capacity (Kg) 450 (with counterweights)
Dimensions (L mm x W mm x H mm) 1525x740x1250
Weight (Kg) 850
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