For Sale a new Fuelwood Kindlet Pro Kindling Machine
The Big Brother! This Fuelwood Kindlet Pro has a large timber capacity and higher output and is suited to the professional user. Kindling can be adjusted from 15cm — 29cm lengths with the unique X-Blade design ensuring a consistent quality output.
Fully guarded
The section size of kindling is adjusted simply from controls on the front of the machine and this machine is fully guarded with safety interlocks to gain easy access to the machine.
Modern hydraulics give quiet and reliable operation and convert timber off-cuts and round logs into kindling.
The Fuelwood Kindlet Pro Kindling Machine Bagging options are from the standard bagging chute supplied with every machine for filling standard nets, the ROTABAGGA for filling loose filled nets or bags, three bagging stations allowing a full bag to be unloaded, an empty bag to be positioned while the machine is filling the other bag.
The MANUAL BAGGA with its extended long chute provides space for fast and efficient packing of aligned kindling ideal for the high-volume market.
Check out the machine: Video
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